1:1 Mentorship and Coaching Application
Welcome! I'm so pleased and proud of you in taking this first step towards finding support. It is not an easy thing to ask for help, and I hope that simply by completing this survey, it will offer you some introspection and awareness.

Having worked with many individuals over the past three years on mindfulness, rediscovery of self, unresolved grief, business goals, and overall transformation, I formulate specific processes to support my clients to break through their limitations. 

My private 1:1 is engineered for the Individual who is ready to dive deeper into what is holding them back whilst taking radical responsibility and action. This is a high level space, where accountability, intuition, and vulnerability are the main key ingredients to your growth.

My work is INTERCONNECTED. Therefore, we cover all connected parts that make up who you are to enhance either your life or business.

Private 1:1 mentorship starts at four figures. Payment plans are offered on all 1:1 experiences. Please do not apply If you are unable to meet this kind investment. There are lower cost options in my group programs and courses. 

Once you submit your application, a link to book an Explorative call will be emailed to you. This is a single 45 minute session in which the cost ($179) if you choose to work with me, will be rolled into your mentorship or program.

Thank you for your interest!
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Email *
Full name and name you prefer to be called by and where you are based the in world *
Tell me a bit more about yourself. What do you enjoy doing. What do you love to do what fills you up? *
What are the repeating issues that keep happening in your life or business?
What is a hurdle that is stopping you from moving forward? What is keeping you from what you really want? *
What ways are you curious about working with me?
On a scale of 1-10 how committed to you to your success?
Have you worked with a coach or mentor before? What was it like for you and your relationship? What worked, what didn't? *
If we were to work together for 3 months, what projections would you want to have by the end of our work?
My work can delve into the world of connecting with ourselves of a higher and more elevated level. In what ways do you currently nurture your relationship with your mindfulness, intuition, and inner knowing? 
Why do you feel I am the right fit for you?
What are your favorite books?
Both 1:1 coaching and mentorship starts at four figures with group programs available at a lower cost. This requires a level of time, energy and financial investment. 

Are you interested in 1:1 or group programs or are you looking for free resources?

*Scholarships are available on a limited basis.
 Are you ready for this level of investment? Is this coming from a place of want?

Is there anything else I should know?
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