Averill Park Education Foundation Award Nomination Form
The Averill Park Education Foundation is seeking nominations for the two distinguished awards presented at our Annual Gala.  The Board accepts nominations for both the  Community Member / Volunteer Award and the Educator Award. Members of our community whose actions create a lasting impact on our students and district should be celebrated!
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I am nominating: *
Please take a moment and describe the Nominee and why you are nominating them to receive this award.  Please be as detailed as possible.  If it is an educator, please indicate what school they are from & the grade level/subject the person teaches
May we contact you about this nomination? *
If your nominee is selected, would you be interested in introducing them at the Gala on November 15, 2024? *
Your Phone number
Thank you so much for taking the time to nominate this person & their contributions to the Averill Park Community.  We truly appreciate it as we love being able to celebrate our community. 
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