You are someone who *LOVES* music. You own a first pressing of Johnny Cash's "At Folsom Prison". You dug the crates at your local record shop until you found the Sgt. Pepper's with the original in-tact cardboard cutouts. You giddily stream Roberta Flack and Sam Cooke all workday afternoon. You have tons of Spotify playlists, TONS. Sorted by theme, genre, mood, and some made just for a single person. A major common thread is all audiophiles, hipsters, musicians and music journalists have guilty pleasures they are afraid to admit. It's time to confess your sins!

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So you fancy yourself an audiophile huh? Prove your chops, what are you listening to lately? What's your best concert, your listening setup, or cool music story? *
Did you drink tea with David Bowie? Cuz that is just awesome!
What are your musical guilty pleasures? Is it an artist, a song, an album, a genre? *
Why do you consider it a guilty pleasure? *
Explain how you first heard it.
Did you overhear a sibling jamming to it, was it an earworm in a cafe, did you quietly tune in a pop radio station to hear it?
You were guilty then, still guilty now?
Sure maybe we cringed at Hall & Oates as kids, but we'll jam it out in our car today.
Did you own this guilty pleasure? Or own it currently? *
Did you buy the song or album? Did you tape it from the radio? Did you steal your sibling's CD in shame?
How, when and where do you enjoy this guilty pleasure today?
Belting it out at karaoke, quietly in the shower, crying into your pillow on headphones?
Who are you? Are you a music snob, a music journalist, an indie musician? *
Twitter handle, website, masthead or other links preferred!
Would you like to be a guest on our podcast?
Enter your contact info and we may reach out!
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