By signing this form I state that the above information is true and correct. I will abide by the terms and conditions of Macmillan Martial Arts Academy, as explained by its instructors. I accept that, whilst all reasonable care is taken, my instructors are not legally responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur whilst I am training in the classes. I also understand that I am expected to maintain a standard of behavior, both during training and in general, which will not bring Macmillan Martial Arts Academy into disrepute, knowing that failure to do so may result in expulsion. I am medically fit to undertake intensive physical training.
DECLARATION: “I promise to uphold the true spirit of Macmillan Martial Arts Academy and Martial Arts in general. I promise never to use the skills that I am taught against any person, except for the defence of myself, my family and friends in the instance of extreme danger or unprovoked attack, or in the support of law and order.”