Golestan Preschool Application Form
Please know that our Preschool admissions is a waitlist process. The earlier you apply, the better! 

Once your child is eligible for our program (2 yo by the first day of school), we will notify you about your waitlist status in the late Spring of the year they're eligible for. 

Our Preschool program is year round from Sept - Aug. You can learn more about it here

If you are interested in Elementary school, please visit our website here. Note, admissions for the Elementary program is different from Preschool, in that it is not a waitlist process. Applications are due in January of the year your child is applying for. 

Please reach out to enroll@golestankids.com or call (510)704-8541 with any questions. 

Thank you for your interest in Golestan!

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Email *
Child's Name *
Child's Date of Birth
Please note, we are no longer accepting applications for unborn children. Please submit your application once your child is born. Thank you for understanding.
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Are you submitting an application for a sibling of a current or previous Golestan student? *
If Yes, name(s) and date of birth of sibling(s):
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