SWEET EDGE Publications
Dear EDGE colleagues

This form serves to collect publications (journals, other scientific publications, press etc) that have been achieved with funding from SFOE for SWEET EDGE. Once you complete the form, your publication will be sent into internal review according to the EDGE publication procedures (only scientific publications).

Please complete a form entry for each publication and make sure that SWEET is included in your acknowledgements (standard sentence for acknowledging SWEET funding: “The research published in this report was carried out with the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE as part of the SWEET EDGE project.”).

Please upload your draft publication on the Switch folder for publication drafts.

In a second step, once your publication has been accepted and published, please provide the open access link in the last question before the comments field. For this, you can re-visit and edit your google form. The access to the google form will be provided in the automatic response you get after completing the form.

Just send me an email if anything is unclear.
Thank you very much!
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