Volunteer as a People's Representative within the Peoples Parallel Governance System and the People's Parallel Congress
This form is simply to give your information to sign up as a Volunteer in the People's Parallel Governance System.  We need your name and location(s) so that we able to slowly get enough people from different districts across the country/world to be able to start the new governance bodies.
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Contact information & Location
Please give us information about yourself like name, email, location, address, facebook, etc....   It is very important to get at least your name (or alias) an email, and your location (county/city). You may also choose to email: unity@wc.tc or call / text Jay at (415) 323-5833
How would you like to be involved?
Because we are still in the initial stages of getting started, although our primary goal is getting volunteer representatives, we won't start having actual virtual meetings until we get enough volunteers to represent enough of the population.  Please indicate if you would like us to wait to contact you when we are ready to get started, or if you would like to get involved in direct outreach to find more representatives.  Either way, we will still give you updates on the status of the project as well as an ability to vote in structural decisions as necessary.
Possible Conflict of Interests? Possible Influence from Special Intersts?
Please list any possible conflict of intersts that you may have.  This could be any potential influence you have from any special interest. Most people should have some type of conflict of interest, some just more problematic in terms of becoming a People's Representative.  Examples: work for specific type of corporation etc.., are part of 1% etc..., Sit on a board etc..., am already an elected offical.... Am part of a secret society... Am an officer of a government insitution or work for the governmnet. etc..,  own stock in certain types of holdings .. . ,  anything else that could possible cause a conflict of interst.  Note: you do not have to give details now on your conflict of interst, just let us know if you think you have any and what types.
Other Questions, Concerns, Ideas etc....
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