BTU Paraprofessional Tech Training June 3rd
Hi All! Please complete this form to register for the BPS/BTU Technology Training for Paraprofessionals/Librarians/Substitutes on June 3rd at the BTU. This training session will cover Vector, the BPS Google Suite, Device Navigation, and other advanced topics.  Dinner will be provided.  PLEASE BRING YOUR CHROMEBOOK OR MAC/L4L AND CHARGERS. We hope to see you there!
Email *
What is your BPS ID number? *
What is your school or dept?
What grade level(s)do you primarily work with?  *
What is your role within BPS? *
Please rate your knowledge of these tools. 
I want to learn more
I know this topic
Google Calendar
Google Drive
Google Docs/Slides
Chromebook Navigation
L4L MacBook Navigation
Vector Solutions
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