Volunteer Survey
The St. Louis Area Diaper Bank is interested in learning about your experience volunteering with us. Your feedback is important as we strive to create a meaningful and fulfilling experience for our volunteer program. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
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Do you feel your volunteer work had an impact?
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Please rate the ease of locating and signing up for a volunteer opportunity through our volunteer platform, Golden.
Very Difficult
Very Easy
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How did you hear about our organization?
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What motivated you to volunteer with us? (Check all that apply)
How satisfied are you with the support and guidance provided by our staff and/or volunteer leads?
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How likely are you to volunteer with us again?
Very Likely
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What do you enjoy most about volunteering with St. Louis Area Diaper Bank?
In what ways can our organization be more supportive of your work as a volunteer?
Additional Comments or Feedback?
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