Christmas Music Bracket: ROUND 1
Grab your cookies, cocoa, and roasted chestnuts, cuz it's the most wonderful time of the year - BRACKET TIME. 

Do you hear what I hear? It's the sound of jingle bells (or is it silver bells?) and reindeer hoofs clip-clopping on rooftops and angel choirs singing. But wait, isn't it supposed to be a silent night? 

64 contenders classic Christmas songs enter. Only one can win. YOU decide. 

Every Monday, I'll share a link to the next round of voting. 
You have until Friday to submit your votes for the round. 

You have until Friday, November 10  to submit your votes for Round 1. 

Don't forget to click "submit" on the final page or your votes won't count!

Need a refresher on the songs, or just want to jam to some holiday tunes? Never fear, I made you a playlist for Christmas. The playlist features at least 4 versions of each song included in this bracket. You're welcome.

-The Carol Czar
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Fun fact: this bracket was seeded by ChatGPT!
So if you don't like the seeding, take it up with our AI overlords
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