WDI Networking and talks

Women’s Declaration International invite you to join us to get together at a Filia Fringe event 9am-6pm Sunday 23rd October. All sessions are free. Please register so we know how many are expected. Where: Angel Hotel, Castle Street, Cardiff, CF10 1SZ, Prince of Wales room. Wheelchair accessible. 7 minutes walk from Filia conference centre.

For more information email info@womensdeclaration.com 

Draft programme: Sunday 23rd October - If you have ideas that would make this better, please get in touch. There are chances for us all to speak and present...

Unlimited free tea, coffee and water all day!

9am - 10am  - Private session for WDI women and Declaration signatories. Meet up for WDI women and women interested in the global struggle against gender identity ideology.

10-11am Radical Feminist Ethics 

A discussion with Sheila Jeffreys, Lauren Levey and others to be confirmed, facilitated by Jo Brew, live streamed to an international audience globally.

Our concern is not with how we can be nicer to each other for its own sake (though it would be good if we were). Our concern is that we want to win the political fight for women's liberation. This session will be filmed

11-11.30am break

11.30-1pm. What is to be done?

Workshops. What do we need to do differently now? Strategising. Come along, discuss with women in person in small groups. Come up with ideas together. We will then feedback and discuss together. This session will not be filmed. 

1pm-2pm lunch break - lunch not provided but there is unlimited FREE tea, coffee and biscuits.

1pm-2pm - Tech session. Bernadette O'Malley to run a tech session to show women how to share screens, login to Zoom, run meetings etc. Bring your laptop if you can or just come along.   

2pm-3.30pm Can women work as a sex class?

We hope to have these speakers: Kate Graham, Amparo Domingo, Christina Ellingson, Lara Salvatieri, Heli St Luce, Kara Dansky and more!, on how women should work, can it include the right? What is our political strategy. Discussion and then workshops. This session will not be filmed. 

3.30pm - 4pm break

4pm-5.30pm What does victory look like? Any woman who wants to can present some ideas, Everyone take up to 5 mins. What does it look like. All conference participants take 3 minutes to reflect and write privately about her vision for victory. Then a panel, then participants gather amongst themselves at tables to talk. Then one woman from each table present the table's shared vision.  Facilitated by Kara Dansky.

7pm. Dinner together at Wahaca, 51-53 The Hayes, Cardiff. CF10 1GA Tel: 02921661314

Please fill in this form to book if you have not yet done so. https://forms.gle/MRQpdJQQEhg3ygBDA

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Would you like to speak about something at this Sunday event? If so, what and for how long? You can also show up on the day with ideas.
We would like to make interview videos on Friday night and Saturday morning to show on Feminist Question Time at 3pm on Saturday. Would you be willing to do this? If so, great. We can arrange to meet and do a recording. Let's take advantage of being together to chat and discuss what we women can do to counter this assault on our rights. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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