NEW DATE (due to rain): 4/2 Week of the Young Child Kick-Off Festival Volunteer Request
Thank you for volunteering at the Week of the Young Child Kick-Off Festival on Sunday, April 2, 2023 from 10am-1pm! PLEASE NOTE: The date has changed due to the rain forecast for Saturday, April 1.

This event will take place at Scantlebury Park at 139 Ashmun Street.

If you have any questions prior to the event, please email

If you have any questions on the day of the event, please contact Jess at 203-687-5309.

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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Organization/School Affiliation *
Please check all of the times you can help out: *
Please note here if you have specific availability between 10 AM-1 PM.
Please select your interests (we will try our best to match you to these activities; if you have a specific talent to share, let us know under "Other"): *
What is your t-shirt size? (NOTE: We are not yet sure if we will be able to provide t-shirts to volunteers for this event, but we want to collect this information just in case!)
Clear selection
I confirm I will be able to volunteer at the Week of the Young Child Kick-Off Festival on Sunday, April 2 at the above times. I will arrive 10 minutes early to my shift and check my email/text messages for updates. *
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