Save The Date: High School Scene Festival 2024
Thank you for your interest in the Cal Poly Pomona Department of Theatre and New Dance High School Scene Festival! 

We will be holding the Festival on Friday, February 2, 2024! Festival activities, including the scene competition and workshops, will be held from 8:30am - 5pm.

Participation Fee: $150 per school
Confirmation and payment would need to be secured by winter break (December 10, 2023-ish)!

We are currently building our workshop schedule and application and scene submission. Please fill out the below form to note your interest in participating and we'll be in touch ASAP with details!
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Name *
Email *
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Are you planning to attend this year on Friday, February 2, 2024?
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Name of High School *
How many students do you anticipate attending?
How many scenes do you anticipate submitting? (3 scenes max, no limit on students)
When thinking about activities or workshop possibilities at a festival like this, what do your students most need? Is there an area of knowledge that would be most useful to them? What can we do to help?
Here are examples are past workshops we have offered. Check all workshops that would be interesting/useful to your students.
If you participated in past festivals, do you have any feedback to reflect back as we build 2024?
Is there anything else we should know or other needs you will have on the day?
Thank you! We will be in touch very soon with sign up details! If you have questions, please reach out to Chelsea Sutton at
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