Coaching Client Application 
Email *
Today's Date *
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Instagram handle (if you have one)
Goals (check all that apply) *
What are your wellness goals for the next 3 to 6 months? Why are these goals important to you? Try to be as specific as you can, more detail the better :) *
Do you have any past injuries (and or present) or surgeries/health conditions to note? *
Current workout routine and nutrition (food types, # of meals per day. How much cardio and weight lifting per week and for how long (minutes per week?) *
Have you followed any diets in the past? When was the last time you followed something?  *
Have you counted your macros before? If so, how many calories are you currently eating in a day?  *
Why do you want to work with me?  *
What is your biggest hurdle in getting to your goals? *
Why do you want to make a change?  *
Age *
Height *
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