Adaptive Gaming Website Feedback
Hello! We are occupational therapy students at Dominican University of California working on our Capstone Project. We would love to hear your feedback on our website. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.

Check out the website here:

Thank you,
Gamer Gurlz
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Are you a ... (check all that apply) *
 THE ADAPTIVE GAMING WEBSITE was clear and easy to navigate *
Unclear / confusing
Clear / easy to navigate
The INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS were clear, well paced, and provided information that you can now readily use and implement?
videos not useful
videos helpful and usable
Clear selection
Please provide us with any comments about the WEBSITE content, navigation and INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS
The GAME SHEETS were clear, provided pertinent information and were easy to navigate
Unclear / confusing
Clear / easy to navigate
Clear selection
Please provide us with any comments about the  GAME SHEETS
The COMMON CORE STANDARDS application to gaming and links were clear and easy to navigate
Unclear / confusing
Clear / easy to navigate
Clear selection
The COMMON CORE STANDARDS application to gaming provided pertinent information informing how gaming can fit into the instructional educational day
information not useful
important standards information that can be used in classrooms
Clear selection
Please provide us with any comments about the COMMON CORE STANDARDS & Links
The VISUAL OVERLAYS were clear and understandable for use while gaming.
Unclear / confusing
Clear / easy to apply and use for gaming
Clear selection
Please provide us with any comments about the VISUAL OVERLAYS
Additional Thoughts, Comments & Feedback
How likely are you to implement the classroom kit if the device was available to you with students or clients?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Clear selection
How likely are you to share this website with colleagues, families and other interested parties to expand adaptive gaming?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Clear selection
Please share why or why not.
Any other feedback you would like to share?
THANK YOU for your time and thoughtful feedback.  Your comments will greatly inform how we can improve the site for use by teachers, related service providers, families, gamers & more!
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