Submit a public Galaxy Resource: servers, cloud instances, and deployable instances
Thanks for creating and sharing a publicly accessible resource for using Galaxy.  Your resource will be added to the resource directory ( shortly.

This questionnaire is divided into two sections:

1. Overview information about the resource
2. Platform-specific information about the resource

Most resources are available on only one platform (for example, as a public server or as a VM), but some are available in multiple formats (for example as a public server and as a Docker container).

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Email *
Your Name *
Resource name *
A short name for the resource.
Resource/Project URL *
This can either be a direct link to your resource (if it's only on one platform), or it can be a link to a general home page for your resource, that describes your project.
Resource summary *
A short description of the resource.  This can be 2-3 sentences and will be listed in the directory and on the resource page.
Resource comments *
A longer description of the resource.  This will become a bullet list on the resource's directory page.  This can be as long or as short as you want and can include Markdown text.
The resource directory does not yet support keywords, but we plan to add it soon.  Please provide suggested keywords for your resource.  If you know of ontology terms that could be use, please also provide the ontology name, and the term's ID within that ontology.
User Support
How can users get support when using this resource?  Are there online tutorials, videos, shared histories, email addresses...  This will become a bullet list on the resource's directory page and can include Markdown text.
Quotas *
Are there restrictions on disk use? Do you need an account to access the resource? This will become a bullet list on the resource's directory page and can include Markdown text.
Are there one or two papers about this resource?  Citations can include Markdown text.
Sponsors *
What organizations/groups/people created / support this resource.  This will become a bullet list on the resource's page and can include Markdown text.
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