UnTour General Manager Interview Questionnaire
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What is your full name? *
Please list your email address and phone number. *
How long have you lived in Shanghai? *
If you've lived in other Chinese cities, please indicate where and for how long in 'other'
Do you have plans to leave China in the next 2 years? *
How would you categorize you Mandarin language skills? *
Please check all that apply.
How would you categorize you English language skills? *
Please check all that apply.
What are your three favorite restaurants in Shanghai? *
Can be local, foreign, or mix.
If you had friends or family visiting you in Shanghai for one day only, where would you take them to create One Perfect Day in Shanghai? *
What is your favorite productivity app and why? *
In your previous jobs, have you managed other people?
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List all languages you speak fluently. *
What are your salary expectations? *
Have you sent your CV, cover letter and references to info@untourfoodtours.com? *
If not, please send through now.
If there is any additional information we should know, please add it here.
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