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Rotation Assessment - Medicinal Chemistry
Please complete this form for each rotation student you mentor in the Fall, 2018.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Finzel. Please note you must use your UMN email address to complete this form.
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Select student:
Kulkarni, Abhishek
Liu, Yutong
Orimoloye, Moyosore
Ramseier, Neal Thomas
Rodriguez, Freddys
Roth-Rodriguez, Analise
Shi, Rui
Vinh, Kayla
Weirath, Nick
Wong, Tsung-Yun
Choose rotation:
1st Rotation (Sept 9- Oct 11)
2nd Rotation (Oct 14 - Nov 29)
Did the student put sufficient effort into the rotation to become familiar with your research area?
Would you be interested in having this student in your lab?
Please provide any comments regarding the student you would like to share with other faculty.
If you have no comments, please write n/a.
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