Fall 2024 Conference
Prescott, Arizona
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Important Information:
Submissions are due Friday, August 30.

Please verify AFMA has received your submission by emailing

Preference will be given to presentations 30 minutes or less.

30 minutes includes time for questions, answers, and speaker change.

Please fill out all required information; your information will not be shared outside of presentation purposes.

Advertisements or solicitations are not accepted, please do not giveaway company swag.

All submittals require approval. If approved, approximately one month before the conference, a date and time of your presentation and further instructions will be e-mailed to you by your coordinator.  

Each time slot is to include your presentation, questions and answers, and changing speakers.  Therefore, please limit your presentation to 5-10 minutes short of the time slot provided.  

The conference brochure and registration will be available by September.

All presenters must be an AFMA member, register and pay for the conference.

Prepare your presentation on a labeled thumb drive.  

Please give your labeled thumb drive to your assigned coordinator at the registration desk when you check in. If you will not be available at that time, please make arrangements to have someone deliver your presentation for you.

You may pick up your thumb drive after your presentation.

Presentations will be posted to the AFMA website.  If AFMA is not allowed to publish your presentation let your coordinator know.

All animations and videos must be embedded in your presentation and are not guaranteed to work.  We highly encourage you to verify your presentation works as you intended after it has been downloaded onto the session laptop.  Please see your coordinator for concerns.

Wifi is not guaranteed.  If you need wifi, please bring your own personal hot-spot.

For each of you presenting, please let the registration table know so we may provide you with the proper badge.  Also, please let your coordinator know if there are any changes in presenters.

If you have any questions regarding your submittal, please send an e-mail to and we will respond to you in a timely manner.

Thank you for your participation in making this conference a good one!
Main Presenter Information
See below for additional presenters
First and Last Name of Main Presenter *
Registrations and Certifications of Main Presenter *
You may pick more than one
Employer of Presenter *
Street Address of Main Presenter *
City, State, Zip of Main Presenter *
Best Contact Phone Number for Main Presenter *
E-mail Address of Main Presenter *
Correspondence will be made to this email address only.
Biography of Main Presenter *
This is what will be included in the conference handouts - be brief but make it smart! Please limit your response to 500 characters
How would you like to be introduced?
Please limit your text to a sentence or two.  Who you are, where you work and your title are good options.  Or you may follow this example:  Our next presenter is a failed geologist turned exceptional water resources engineer for Horrocks Engineers.  Cindy DePonti is presenting on...
Second Presenter  Information (If needed)
First and Last Name of Second Presenter
Registrations and Certifications of Second Presenter
You may pick more than one
Place of Employment of Second Presenter
If different than main presenter
E-mail Address of Second Presenter
Biography of Second Presenter
This is what will be included in the conference handouts - be brief but brag away! Please limit your response to 500 characters
How would you like to be introduced?
Please limit your text to a sentence or two.  Who you are, where you work and your title are good options.  Or you may follow this example:  You know him as the esteemed Water Resources Service Leader from Westwood.  We know him as Jack "ADD" Moody.
Third Presenter  Information (If needed)
First and Last Name of Third Presenter
Registrations and Certifications of Third Presenter
You may pick more than one
Place of Employment of Third Presenter
If different than main presenter
E-mail Address of Third Presenter
Biography of Third Presenter
You got it - keep it brief!
How would you like to be introduced?
Please limit your text to a sentence or two.  Who you are, where you work and your title are good options.  Or you may follow this example:  She is one of a kind, brilliant, and can charm the pants off a deadly rattlesnake on the hiking trail.  Introducing Linda Potter of Atkins.
Class/Presentation Information
Are you submitting for a presentation or a class? *
If you are teaching a class, what is your maximum number of attendees you can comfortably have?
Possible Track
What possible track do you think best fits your presentation?
Clear selection
Presentation/Class Title *
Please limit your response to 100 characters
Length of time slot desired *
Typical presentation times are 30 minutes.  Classes can be from 2 hours to 8 hours.  Time slots may be adjusted to fit the overall program of the conference
Does AFMA have permission to post the presentation on the AFMA website for member access? *
A No Answer does not preclude you from presenting
Description of Presentation *
Please give a brief explanation of your presentation. Please limit your response to 1500 characters
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