Nomad Coffee Club: How To Be an NCC Presenter  😎☕
We’ve been running the Nomad Coffee Club since October 2017. For us, it’s not just an incredible platform for sharing quality content, but also a key forum for networking and being inspired.
It is hosted once a month, with a common theme and a maximum of 3 speakers. Feel free to make a little twist to your topic to make sure it´s aligned with the theme.
As always, we are very much open to suggestions for new themes if you´ve got one in mind.

Presentations should be no longer than 10 mins. It’s important you stick to this timing to allow time for other presentations.

After each presentation there will of course be a round of Q&A where the presenters will be able to take 2 questions from the audience.

Presentations should be submitted in advance to the Restation Team, at least 24 hours prior to presentation time.

Every month has a theme - an umbrella topic that sets a tone to all the presentations.

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Email *
Name 😀 *
Your bio (2-3 sentences max) *
Your talk topic
Why is your talk interesting? *
Or short talk description
When are you available to give a talk? *
Nomad Coffee Club is on Fridays, at 17-00. Give us as many options as you can!
How can we contact you?
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