Football Signals
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1) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
Captionless Image
2) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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3) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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4) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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5) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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6) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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7) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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8) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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9) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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10) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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11) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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12) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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13) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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14) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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15) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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16) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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17) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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18) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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19) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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20) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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21) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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22) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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23) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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24) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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25) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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26) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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27) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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28) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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29) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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30) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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31) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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32) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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33) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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34) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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35) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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36) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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37) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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38) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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39) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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40) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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41) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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42) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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43) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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44) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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45) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
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46) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
Captionless Image
47) Select the foul to match the signal *
1 point
Captionless Image
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