Qiusheng Wu, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Geography and Sustainability
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, U.S.A.
The book
Earth Engine and Geemap - Geospatial Data Science with Python, written by
Qiusheng Wu, has been published by Locate Press in July 2023. If you’re interested in purchasing the book, you can do so by visiting this URL:
時間: 8/8 AM 9-11 & 8/9 9-11
地點: 中央研究院人社中心第二會議室
報名人數: 最多50人。 (若人數超過,將以中研院同仁優先錄取,將在活動前一週發送報名成功通知信)
Part 1: Cloud Computing with Earth Engine and Geemap
Major covered topics:
Create interactive maps
Visualize Earth Engine data
Explore Earth Engine Data Catalogs
Analyze Earth Engine data
Export Earth Engine data
Create timelapse animations
Part 2: 3D Mapping with MapLibre and Leafmap
Major covered topics:
Create interactive 3D maps
3D terrain, 3D buildings, and 3D indoor mapping
Visualize local vector and raster datasets
Visualize geospatial data in the cloud (COG, STAC, PMTiles)
Add custom components to the map
Export 3D maps as HTML files for website hosting