Your Potential Your Success one-day workshop
By completing this form, you are signing up to the YPYS one-day Workshop.

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Workshop details
Please select one of the two dates available. To participate, you must be able to attend the full duration of the workshop (no drop ins/ outs). Pupils arriving 15 minutes after the start time will risk being turned away so plan ahead and arrive bang on time!

Thursday 23rd March - 10am - 4pm in Cavendish C2.04

Wednesday 29th March - 11am - 5pm in Cavendish C1.15-16

Both workshops are catered, we look forward to seeing you there!
Select your workshop date: (you would be required to stay for the whole duration of the workshop) *
Personal and Contact Details
First Name *
Surname/ Family Name *
Email Address (please provide the one you check regularly- we will email you about the workshop) *

Phone number (We will only use this to contact you about this programme. We will not share this information, or use it for any other purpose.)


University of Westminster Student ID Number

University email address (
Your college / school at University of Westminster (e.g. WBS)

Full name registered with the university 

(Your full name as it shows up on university records. We ask this because sometimes people may use a nickname that is different to their university registered name).

What year of study are you in? *
Where did you hear about this opportunity? *
This workshop will be catered, please let us know if you have any food requirements or allergies. *

Do you require any additional support in order to make this workshop more accessible to you? (optional)

Thank you
Thank you for completing this form
Data privacy notice
Grit is a registered charity in England and Wales (number 1041855) Registered office: The Old Warehouse, 31 Upper King St, Royston, Herts, SG8 0AZ. University of Westminster have commissioned us to deliver a series of student, staff and volunteer training events.  You can contact Grit on 01763 241 120

Any reporting using your data will be anonymous – your name will not be used. We will share an anonymised report with University of Westminster but individuals will not be recognisable.

Consent is the legal basis for collecting and processing your data. By completing this form, you are consenting to us processing your data.

We collect this data as part of our monitoring and evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness of the training we provide not to assess individuals. Your data will be stored securely for 5 years.

Your personal data will be stored and accessed only by authorised personnel and will not be shared with third parties without your permission. You have a right to withdraw consent in relation the data we gather at any time.

To see Grit’s data retention policies or have your personal data removed from our records, please contact:

If you have a concern or complaint with regards to the collection of your data, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on 0303 123 1113.

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