*Please sign below*
We, the Dance Community in Ireland have come together recognising our moral responsibility as artists to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. We grieve for the tens of thousands of lives violently ended, the orphaned children, those starving, traumatised, brutalised, imprisoned and forcibly displaced.
For over 75 years, the people of Palestine have been subjected to ethnic cleansing, massacres, dispossession, displacement, collective punishment, siege and now genocide. A brutal system of Apartheid - a crime against humanity - has been imposed on Palestinians. Palestinian human rights are systematically violated with impunity. Despite being found to be plausibly causing genocide by the International Courts of Justice, Israel has made clear its intention to continue to violate international law.
Since October, at least 30,000 people have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza. Nearly 70,000 have been injured. 17,000 children are unaccompanied. Over 2 million Palestinians in Gaza are at imminent risk of forced starvation, and lack access to clean water, healthcare and the conditions necessary to life.
For decades, Israel has targeted Palestinian dance, preventing dancers from accessing education, banning dance performances and touring, intimidating, imprisoning and torturing dance artists. A longstanding policy of shoot to maim, focusing on lower limbs, has created mass disabilities and a generation of amputees. The rights to bodily integrity and freedom of expression which we take for granted as dancers in Ireland are denied our Palestinian colleagues. We ask: How many dancers, choreographers, and those children aspiring to be, have been maimed, murdered or displaced by Israeli violence?
Palestinian dancers are members of our community and have made important contributions to dance in Ireland. Their experiences and identities have inspired choreographers who have used their personal stories in their works. Staying silent in the face of the ongoing genocide makes us bystanders and denies our Palestinian colleagues dignity and safety.
As a dance community, in a cultural sector where too many have not spoken, we stand in solidarity with Palestinians and raise our voices. We believe that humanity, dignity and life should, and must come before art.
We call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to Israel's illegal occupation and apartheid system.
Heeding the Palestinian call for the cultural boycott of Israeli institutions, we commit to becoming Apartheid Free Zones and supporting the BDS Movement through boycotting Israeli institutions and products as well as international organisations that support Israeli Apartheid. We note that the Israeli government explicitly funds Israeli dance organisations as propaganda tools to divert international attention from Israeli human rights violations.
We call on the Irish government to enact the Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018 and Illegal Israeli Settlements Divestment Bill 2023 and to join South Africa's proceedings against Israel before the International Courts of Justice under
the Genocide Convention.
We appeal to all dance artists and workers, dance organisations, companies, festivals and institutions across the island of Ireland to join us in signing this statement.
We note that many dance organisations publicly expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. We urge them to refrain from adopting double standards in responding to situations of oppression. Silence is not neutral.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies are symbolic at best, empty and meaningless at worst if we cannot recognise and speak out against the crimes against humanity, the oppression and genocidal actions that are being committed right now. We have an ethical responsibility to defend the human rights of the oppressed.
No more business as usual in the Arts. End the Silence.
Ráiteas maidir leis an bPalaistín ón bPobal Damhsa in Éirinn
*Sínigh thíos le do thoil*
Táimidne, an Pobal Damhsa in Éirinn tagtha le chéile lenár bhfreagracht mhorálta mar ealaíontóirí seasamh i ndlúthpháirtíocht le muintir na Palaistíne a aithint. Crónaíonn muid na mílte saol ar cuireadh deireadh foréigneach leo, na leanaí dílleachta, iad siúd atá ag fáil bháis ón ocras, iad siúd ag maireachtáil le tráma, a bhfuil á chaitheamh leo go brúidiúil agus ruaigthe óna mbailte in aghaidh a dtola.
Le breis agus 75 bliain, tá muintir na Palaistíne faoi chois ag glanadh eitneach, sléacht, díshealbhú, díláithriú, pionós comhchoiteann, léigear agus anois, cinedhíothú. Tá córas brúidiúil cinedheighilte - coir in aghaidh na daonnachta - curtha i bhfeidhm ar Phalaistínigh. Tá cearta daonna na Palaistíne sáraithe go córasach le saoirse ó phionós. In ainneoin gur chinn na Cúirteanna Idirnáisiúnta Breithiúnais gur cinedhíothú is cúis leis, tá sé curtha in iúl go soiléir ag Iosrael go bhfuil sé i gceist leanúint ar aghaidh ag sárú an dlí idirnáisiúnta.
Ó mhí Dheireadh Fómhair i leith, tá ar a laghad 30,000 duine maraithe ag fórsaí Iosrael i nGaza.Tá beagnach 70,000 gortaithe. Tá 17,000 páiste nach bhfuil duine fásta ina dteannta. Tá os cionn 2 mhilliún Palaistíneach i nGaza i mbaol an ocrais éigeantaigh, le heaspa rochtana ar uisce glan, cúram sláinte agus na coinníollacha atá riachtanach don bheatha.
Le blianta fada anuas, tá Iosrael dírithe ar dhamhsa na Palaistíne, ag cur cosc ar dhamhsóirí rochtain a fháil ar oideachas, ag cur cosc ar thaibhithe damhsa agus camchuairteanna, agus ag imeaglú agus ag ciapadh ealaíontóirí damhsa. Chruthaigh polasaí seanbhunaithe shoot to maim, a dhíríonn ar ghéaga íochtair, míchumais fhorleathana agus glúin de theascaigh. Séantar ár gcomhghleacaithe Palaistíneacha na cearta ar ionracas coirp agus ar shaoirse cainte a ndéanaimid talamh slán díobh mar dhamhsóirí in Éirinn. Fiafraímid: Cé mhéad damhsóir, cóireagrafaí, agus na leanaí a bhí ag teacht in inmhe, a ndearnadh dochar dóibh, a dúnmharaíodh nó a díláithríodh de bharr fhoréigin Iosrael?
Is baill dár bpobal iad damhsóirí na Pailaistíne a chuireann go mór leis an damhsa in Éirinn. Tá a dtaithí agus a bhféiniúlacht tar éis cóiréagrafaithe a spreagadh lena scéalta pearsanta a úsáid ina gcuid saothar. Má fhanann muid inár dtost i bhfianaise an chinedhíothaithe atá ar siúl faoi láthair, is ionann sinn agus fianaiseacha a cheileann dínit agus sábháilteacht ár gcomhghleacaithe Palaistíneacha.
Mar phobal damhsa, in earnáil chultúrtha nach bhfuil mórán daoine ag labhairt amach ina leith, seasaimid i ndlúthpháirtíocht leis na Palaistínigh agus ardaímid ár nglórtha.
Creidimid gur cheart go dtiocfadh an daonnacht agus an dínit roimh an ealaíon don chine daonna.
Éilímid sos comhraic láithreach buan i nGaza agus deireadh le forghabháil neamhdhleathach agus córas cinedheighilte Iosrael.
Agus é ag iarraidh go ndéanfaí baghcat cultúrtha ar institiúidí Iosraelacha, geallaimid go ndéanfar Saorchriosanna Cinedheighilte de agus go dtacóimid le Gluaiseacht BDS trí bhaghcat a dhéanamh ar institiúidí agus ar tháirgí Iosraelacha chomh maith le heagraíochtaí idirnáisiúnta a thacaíonn le cinedheighilt Iosraelach. Tugaimid faoi deara go dtugann rialtas Iosrael maoiniú go follasach d'eagraíochtaí damhsa Iosraelacha mar uirlisí bolscaireachta chun aird idirnáisiúnta a tharraingt ó sháruithe ar chearta daonna Iosraelacha.
Iarraimid ar rialtas na hÉireann an Bille um Rialú Gníomhaíochta Eacnamaíoch (Críocha faoi Fhorghabháil), 2018 agus an Bille um Dhífheistiú Socraíochtaí Neamhdhleathacha Iosraelacha 2023, a achtú agus dul i bpáirt in imeachtaí na hAfraice Theas i gcoinne Iosrael os comhair na gCúirteanna Breithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta faoin gCoinbhinsiún um Chinedhíothú.
Impímid ar gach ealaíontóir agus oibrí damhsa, eagraíocht damhsa, compántas, féile agus institiúid ar fud oileán na hÉireann a bheith linn agus an ráiteas seo a shíniú.
Tugaimid faoi deara gur léirigh go leor eagraíochtaí damhsa dlúthpháirtíocht le muintir na hÚcráine go poiblí maidir le hionradh na Rúise ar an Úcráin. Impímid orthu staonadh ó chaighdeáin dhúbailte a ghlacadh agus iad ag freagairt do chásanna cos ar bolg. Ní hionann an tost agus neodracht.
Ní fiú polasaithe Comhionannais, Éagsúlachta agus Cuimsithe atá siombalach ar an lá is fearr, agus folamh agus gan bhrí ar an lá is measa, mura féidir linn na coireanna in aghaidh na daonnachta, an leatrom agus na gníomhartha cinedhíothaithe atá á ndéanamh faoi láthair a aithint agus labhairt amach ina gcoinne. Tá freagracht eiticiúil orainn cearta daonna na ndaoine atá faoi chois a chosaint.
Ní mó gnó mar is gnách sna hEalaíona. Cuirimis deireadh leis an Tost.
1. Ríonach Ní Néill, Ciotóg
2. Fionnuala Doyle Wade, dance artist
3. Salma Ataya, dancer
4. Roberta Ceginskaite, dance artist
5. Saoirse Lambkin O’Kane, dancer
6. Siobhán Ní Dhuinnín, dance artist
7. Ben Sullivan, dancer
8. Mufutau Yusef, dancer & choreographer
9. Rima Baransi, dance artist
10. Laura Jane Allis, dance teacher
11. Emily Kilkenny Roddy, dance artist
12. Megan Kennedy, Junk Ensemble, choreographer/performer
13. Emma Martin, United Fall, choreographer
14. Liv O’Donoghue, maker & Performer
15. Catherine Young, Catherine Young Dance, choreographer & dancer
16. Mia DiChiaro, dance artist
17. Jade O'Connor, performer
18. Ghalia Conroy, dancer & choreographer
19. Sibéal Davitt, performer & choreographer
20. Juliet Zmorrod, dancer & dance teacher
21. Fadi, Doulab for circus & dance, movement artist
22. Jessica Kennedy, Junk Ensemble, choreographer
23. Orlaith Ní Chearra, Fizz & Chips, Dancer, Choreographer, & Teacher
24. Grace Cuny, dancer
25. Róisín Harten, dancer
26. Niamh McPhillips, movement artist, teacher & director.
27. Aphra Hartmann, dancer
28. Philippa Donnellan, choreographer
29. Emma Mahony, ballet teacher
30. Hannah Emory, dance artist
31. Laura Murphy, choreographer & performer
32. Zoë Ashe Browne, dancer & choreographer
33. Kathleen Doherty, dance & aerial artist
34. Keeva O'Neill, Aerial Dance Teacher & Dance Performer
35. Michelle Cahill, May Day Creates, producer & performer
36. Alex Vostokova, dancer & choreographer
37. Philip Connaughton, Company Philip Connaughton, choreographer & performer
38. Rachel Ní Bhraonáin, dancer & choreographer
39. Jill Murray, Emma Martin/United Fall, producer
40. Kristyn Fontanella, performer & choreographer
41. Emer Casey, dance administrator
42. Kama Bugala, dancer
43. Alice Gavigan, dancer
44. Kate Dunne, aerial dancer
45. Annique van Niekerk, dance artist
46. Parvathi, Dancer
47. Sophie Hutchinson, Dance artist
48. Olwyn Lyons, Dance Artist
49. Rita Marcalo, Instant Dissidence, Choreographer, dancer, artistic director
50. Deirdre Griffin, Headonbody, Performer and Choreographer
51. Robyn Byrne, Freelance Dancer & Choreographer
52. Natalia, Ikigal, Performer
53. Nick Nikolaou, Dance Artist
54. Siobhán O’Connor, Dancer
55. Celina Jaffe, Dancer
56. Laurie Schneider, ExpanDance, Dance Artist
57. Amie, costume designer
58. Robin Wilson, Undercurrent Dance, Dance teacher, Dancer, Aerialist
59. Helena Palmer, Collective Cork, dancer
60. Justine Doswell, Choreographer and Creative Producer
61. Oona Doherty, O.D. Works, choreographer
62.Nicola Moran, Movement artist/performer
63. Ailish Claffey, Dance Artist
64. Louise O Connor, dancer
65. Harry Moore, performer that works with the body
66. Margaret Nalley, dancer
67. Anja Nicholson, performer
68. Dee Armstrong, Cluainin Carnival Arts, Performer, musician, dancer
69. Jess Rowell, Inclusive Dance Artist, Facilitator & Maker
70. Carmel, dance participant
71. Aoibhinn O'Dea, Dance artist
72. Aneta Dortová, dance artist, dance teacher
73. Jacqueline Teegarden, performer
74. Saoirse Delaney, Dancer/Dance Teacher
75. Sophie Coote, Producer
76. Caoimhe Wandel-Brannigan, Choreographer & Academic
77. Ariel Merz-Field, Teacher, performer, dance participant.
78. Elysia Mc Mullen, Performer/choreographer
79. Lily MacMonagle, The MACademy Performing Arts School, School Director
80. Jamie Philbert, Art On Purpose, dancer, choreographer & teacher
81. Colum o'Gríofa, dance performer
82. Laura Fajardo Castro, Costume & Set designer
83. Safire Hikari, dancer
84. Stace Gill, Flora Fauna Project, Performer/choreographer
85. Jenny Roche, Dance scholar/artist
86. Carmen Palacios, Dancer, performer
87. Clara Kerr, Dancer/choreographer
88. Jackie Thomson, Participant
89. Maria McCarthy, Catherine Young Dance, Dance participant
90. Simone O’Toole, sotocollective, Dancer/ Choreographer
91. Neil O’Brien, Choreographer
92. Charlotte O’Reilly, Dance and theatre artist
93. Lisa Tighe - Sébire, Killester School of Ballet and Modern Dance, Choreographer, Teacher
94. Nicole Maguire, Dance teacher
Eddie Kay, Movement Director96. Dara Kelly, Dancer
97. Tatiana Santos, Performer/ teacher/ choreographer
98. Aepril Schaile, Dancer/Performance Poet
99. Orla Mc Carthy, Performer, Choreographer
100. Siobhan Mulligan, Edge Dance Studios RAD CLRG, Dance teacher
101. Favour Odusola, Umakoko, Dancer and choreographer
102. Jessie Keenan, Choreographer/Dancer
103. Katie Davenport, Theatre Designer
104. Robbie Blake, Tonnta, Performer, composer & producer
105. Sarah Jane Shiels, Lighting Designer
106. Lucia Kickham, Dance Artist
107. Ana Flood Gomez, Dancer
108. Tilly Taylor, Dance Producer
109. Diarmuid Armstrong Mayock, Dancer & Choreographer
110. Amy Cummins, Dancer
111. Kim Mc Cafferty, Fanzinis, Cavan Arts Festival, Performer
112. Addam Reyes, Dancer
113. Cathy Walsh, Dancer / Choreographer
114. Conor Doherty, Performer
115. Bridget Moriarty, Yoga in Kerry, Yoga teacher
116. Eoin Ó Fíannachta, Performer/Choreographer
117. Veronica Foo, Production Manager
118. Clara Sinclair, No Clú Collective, Choreographer/Dancer
119. Asher O'Gorman, Choreography//Visual Arts
120. Karen Gleeson, Dancer and choreographer
121. Susie Lamb, Dance Theatre performer/choreographer
122. Áine Stapleton, Choreographer
123. Inez Berdychowska, Dance artist, choreographer
124. Tobi Omoteso, Top 8, Programmer/Performer/Choreographer/Teacher
125. Deirdre Murphy, Performing artist
126. Emer Walsh, Freelance Commercial Choreographer
127. Catherine Fay, Costume Designer
128. Laura Rainsford, Coisceim Dance Theatre, Video for dance
129. Oran Leong, Multidisciplinary dance artist
130. Fearghus Ó Conchúir, Dance Artist and Choreographer
131. Colleen Elsofany, Dance Participant
132. Maria Svensson, Dance artist
133. Michael Dolan, Teac Damsa, Choreographer
134. Rosie O'Regan, BrokenCrow, Performer/Maker
135. Maria Kerin, Dancer, choreographer
136. Peter Jordan, Freelance Production Manager
137. Claire Keating, Dance Artist
138. Remi, Dance Artist
139. Ingrid Nachstern, Night Star Dance Company, Film Director/Dancer/140. Choreographer
140. Laura Lundy, Dancer & Teacher
141. Anita McBriar, Dance Teacher
142. Ericka Vaughn Byrne, Dancer/Choreographer
143. Sean Donegan, Performer
144. Deirdre Kearns, The Original Dance Academy, Dancer
145. Subhashini Goda, dance artist/researcher
146. Bridie Flaherty, dancer
147. Grace Doyle Flaherty , Performer who works with the body
148. Joy Hickey, Dancer
149. Sadbh Grehan, Dancer (circus artist)
150. Ró Zie, Circus Artist and dance participant.
151. Sinéad Cormack, Freelance Stage Manager/Performer/Maker
152. Rosie Mullin, Dance artist
153. Lindsay Ashe-Browne, Teacher, Director
154. Diarmaid O'Meara, Dancer and dance teacher
155. Stephen Dodd, Lighting Designer
156. Molly Mc Alister, Dance Artist, Choreographer
157. Hannah Scully, Dance and Aerial Dance Artist
158. Gwen Van Spyk, Producer
159. Cindy Cummings, Dance Artist
161. Cathy Coughlan, Artist
162. Bernadette Divilly, Dance Artist
163. Orla Clogher, Theatre designer
164. Jesse Jones, artist
165. Dervla Baker, Dance filmaker
166. Laura Macken, dance artist
167. Erica Healy, performer
168. Jessie Thompson, Dance Artist
170. Maud Hendricks, Outlandish Theatre Platform, Performer and maker who works with the body
171. Benny Lynch, Act-Tone Sound, Sound Engineer
172. June Gonzalez, Lighting technician
173. James Hosty, WokenDayDreams, Artist
174. Mark Dyer, performer
175. Ryan O'Neill, Performer
176. Deirdre Grant, Choreographer & Dance lecturer
177. Aoife Ó Tiompanáigh, Creator, Performer & teacher
178. Molly Kelly, Dance artist, dance student
179. Aideen Barry, An artist that works with the somatic voice
180. Liam Bixby, Performer
181. Tara McGowan, Director, Cairde Sligo Arts Festival
182. Becky Ní Éallaithe Damhsóir & múinteoir / Dancer & teacher
183. Ciara Waterman, Dancer
184. Ruairí Ó Donnabháin, Choreographer / Curator
185. Rachel Noonan, Ballet teacher, choreographer and dancer
186. Liz Roche, Choreographer
187. Orna Colton, Dancer
188. Nicola Curry, Artistic Director
189. Magdalena Hylak, Dancer/Choreographer
190. Lisa Cliffe, Dance artist
191. Tadhg Quigley Brennan, Dancer
192. Marion Cronin, Performer
193. Muirne Bloomer, choreographer, teacher
194. Rob Moloney, Rob Moloney
195. Paula McGurrell, Performing Arts School Galway, Dance teacher, Choreographer
196. Eimhin shortt, dancer
197. Vicky Langan,sound artist / composer / performer
198. Emma O'Grady, theatre, dance and street theatre artist, technician & production manager
199. Pádraig Heneghan, Lovano, producer
200. Karen Aguiar, Go Dance For Change, Performer and Producer
201. Rob Heaslip, Choreographer & Performer
202. Helga Deasy, choreographer, dance artist
203. Tara Brandel, Croí Glan Integrated Dance Company, dance company
204. Karla Sánchez Zepeda, Blackbird Cultur-Lab, Dance administrator/dance participant
205. Kevin Coquelard, Performer
206. Róisín Uí Shíthigh, Catherine Young Dance, Performer
207. Caroline Lawless, Dance participant
208. Rocio Dominguez, Freelance dancer and choreographer
209. Adrienne Heaslip, Dancer, teacher, performer
210. Jon Sanders, Catherine young dance, Composer
211. Helen Keenan, Dancer, Actor
212. Fay Geldof-Dowling ,
Performer/ Dance Teacher Facilitator/ Choreographer213. Cherie White, Costume Designer
214. Joanne Barru, dancer/dance teacher
215. Mariam Ribon, Choreographer
216. Ois O'Donoghue, Jaxbanded Theatre/United Fall, Artist, Producer
217. Luca Truffarelli, Photo/Video/Dance lover
218. Donal O'Kelly, Catherine Young Dance, text writer
219. James Greenan, Irish dancer / Choreographer
220. Millie Daniel-Dempsey, Dancer / Choreographer
221. Fiona Keller, Stage Manager/ Producer
222. Bridget Webster, Producer
223. Martin Scharer, CYD, MD, composer
224. Tobi Balogun, Choreographer
225. Olwen Fouér, Performer
226. David Bolger, Choreographer
227. Eileen McClory, Choreographer
228. Aoife McGrath, Dance Artist & Scholar
229. Dagda Semler, Actor and performer
230. Luke Murphy, Choreographer
231. Nuala McGreevy, Producer
232. Edwina Guckian, Áirc Damhsa
Róisín Whelan, Choreographer/Dancer
234. Emma Lohan, Performer/Songwriter/ Musician
235. Jools Gilson, Dance Artist / Scholar
236. Dylan Quinn, Choreographer, Dancer, teacher
Eilise Sullivan,
Dancer, Facilitator, Film maker
238. Regan O'Brien, Performing Artist
Deirdre Mulrooney,
Dance Historian/ documentary maker
Séverine de Maleingreau, performer who works with the body
241. Vivian Brodie Hayes,
SpringMoves Dance Festival, Choreographer, Festival Director
242. Ebony Nichols,
243. Sveva Varacalli,
Pre-professional dancer
244. Justine Cooper,
Dancer, teacher, choreographer
245. Vanessa Guevara,
Dance Artist
Maria Nilsson Waller,
Flora Fauna Project, Dancer/Choreographer/Designer/Teacher
247. Aileen Tierney,
Dance participant
Amie Leech, Dancer
249. Mike Byrne, lighting designer
Miranda Driscoll, Producer
251. Susie Lamb, Theatre and Dance Artist
252. Selma Daniel, Choreographer
Rosie Stebbing, Dance Artist
Oswaldo Alvarez, Visual artist