2025 Professional Development Scholarship Application
The VACE Board of Directors is pleased to announce a call for applicants to the Professional Development Scholarship(s) for members.
This Scholarship is for current VACE members who plan to attend our yearly conference, are not currently on the VACE Board, and are contributing in some way to VACE (e.g., participation on a committee).
The scholarship winners will receive complimentary conference registration and acknowledgment at the 2025 VACE Conference.
To apply, please complete the application form below by Wednesday, February 26 at 5pm. 

We will notify all applicants of decisions by mid-March.
VACE Professional Development Scholarship Rules and Requirements
To be eligible to receive the scholarship, VACE members:
–  Must have a paid, current membership for the current fiscal year.
–  Must be a college, student or employer member.
–  Cannot have been a prior professional development scholarship recipient.
–  Must attend the full conference in April 2025.
–  Must submit an application via this form, describing their contributions to VACE, how VACE has contributed to their development, and their personal vision for the future of VACE.
Questions? Contact Heather Palmer at hpalmer@virginia.edu.
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First Name
Last Name *
Organization/Institution/Business *
Job Title *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Are you a current member of VACE? *
Are you planning to attend the full VACE Conference, scheduled for April 24-25, 2025? *
Have you previously been awarded a VACE Professional Development Scholarship? *
Please describe your past and current contributions to VACE. *
Please answer fully. We recommend you type your response in a Word document and then paste it here. There is no limit on the length of your submission.
Please describe your interest in continuing your contributions to VACE. *
Please answer fully. We recommend you type your response in a Word document and then paste it here. There is no limit on the length of your submission.
Please describe how your involvement in VACE has been of value to you personally and professionally. *
Please answer fully. We recommend you type your response in a Word document and then paste it here. There is no limit on the length of your submission.
What ideas or vision do you have for VACE that will make the organization an even greater value-add to its members?  *
Please answer fully. We recommend you type your response in a Word document and then paste it here. There is no limit on the length of your submission.
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