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1正しい英文になるように( )内の語を並べ替えなさい。
① ( played, in, countries, baseball, many, is ) .
1 point
② ( for, five, are, people, this work, needed ) .
1 point
③ ( this, is, by, song, many people, loved ) ?
1 point
④ ( made, when, this, was, car ) ?
1 point
2次の文を( )内の指示に従って書き換えなさい。
① I played the flute.(for a yearをつけて)
1 point
② Kumi used this bag.(since last Aprilをつけて)
1 point
③ Ken is in his room.(since this morningをつけて)
1 point
④ Emi has lived in Nara for five years.(for five yearsを問う文に)
1 point
① この猫は、ケンに好かれています。    This cat __________ __________ by Ken.
1 point
② 愛知は去年、多くの人に訪ねられました。    Aichi __________ visited __________ many people last year.
1 point
③ あなたはどれくらい長く英語を勉強していますか。    __________ long __________ you __________ English?
1 point
④ 何か飲むものはいかがですか。    __________ you __________ something __________ __________?
1 point
Ken: Kumi told me about your trick.  Please show me a trick.
Ming: Sure.  I'll show you a trick.  Everyone can do this trick.  Let's do it together.
Ken: Can I do the trick like you?
Ming: Of course.  Let's begin.  First, make two Möbius ring.  See.
Ken: OK.
Ming: Good.  Next, paste the rings to each other.
Ken: Wait.  Are our rings the same?
Ming: Yes.  Finally, cut the rings again.  Like this.
Ken: Just a minute.  Great!
① Ken told Kumi about Ming's trick.
1 point
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② Ken did the trick with Ming.
1 point
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③ First, Ken made three rings.
1 point
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④ Next, Ken pasted the Möbius ring to each other.
1 point
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⑤ Ken's rings and Ming's rings were different.
1 point
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Ken: Are you from Tanzania?
Kileo: Yes, I am.  My country has great lakes, huge animal parks and Mt Kilimanjaro.
Ken: It sounds wonderful.  Have you lived in Japan for a long time?
Kileo: Yes.  I have lived in this town for several years.
Ken: What are you doing in Japan?
Kileo: I'm studying biotechnology.
Ken: Have you studied it for a long time?
Kileo: Yes, I have.  I have studied it for eight years.
Ken: Oh, it's long!
① Ms Kileo is from Tanzania.
1 point
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② Mt Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania.
1 point
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③ Ms Kileo came to Japan eight years ago.
1 point
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④ Ms Kileo came to Japan to learn about animals.
1 point
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⑤ Ms Kileo has studied biotechnology for eight years.
1 point
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