WMS Progress Report Confirmation ~ May 2020
Parents, please complete this form as a confirmation that you were able to view the comments in Power School from the recent progress report update on May 8, 2020. If you have more than one child at WMS, please complete a separate form for each child. Directions to access Power School --as well a link, username and password for each child were sent from Ms. Martin on the afternoon of May 8. Please search your email for login information then complete this form.

If you have questions for an individual teacher, please email that teacher directly.

Thank you for your support.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
My child is in grade *
My child is in cluster: *
I confirm that I have read the progress report comments that were updated on May 8. I understand that if I have questions or comments for individual teachers, then I should email the teacher directly. *
This was our first time using the PowerSchool comments as a way to share progress reports with parents/guardians. Please share any feedback you may have for us about this new format.
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