Nourishment November Reward
Dear saint,
Praise the Lord for His blessing upon us this past month in constituting us with the truth. May He continue to nourish us with the healthy words of the faith and of the good teaching, to make us good ministers of Christ Jesus.

If you have read at least 80 pages of ministry from November 1st to November 30th, please fill out the form below. The Books serving saints will contact you on delivering your $5 or $10 voucher.

As a reminder, you may receive a $5 voucher for completing 80 pages of ministry and a $10 voucher for completeing 150 pages of ministry. 1 & 2 Samuel with all of their footnotes count for 97 pages of ministry.

Finally, having been fed by the Lord through His word and the ministry, we now have an opportunity to function as ministers of Christ Jesus! There will be a time to minister the very Christ we have enjoyed to one another on Lord’s Day, December 12th, 2021 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM indoors in the video room (2430 Dana St.).

Praise Him!

The Books Serving Saints
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Which books did you read during the month of November and how many pages did you read from each book? (If you read online, please list which book chapters/sections you read) *
Please list each individual book title and the number of pages you read from each book. For example: The Economy of God, 50 pages; The All-inclusive Christ, chapters 1-6
Will you be available to attend the overflow time on Lord's Day, December 12th, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM indoors in the video room (2430 Dana St.)?
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