Dragon Haven Registration - Fall 2024
Sign up for online Dungeons & Dragons games with Dan Allen, MS, CTRS, a New Haven-based recreational therapist with over ten years working with kids and young adults on developing social and communication skills!

Please fill out the following form to register for scheduled or future game classes. Class scheduling is subject to registered participants (i.e. most groups require 4-6 members) committing for the length of the term (typically once per week for 7-14 weeks). D&D Social Skills classes cost $45/session.

Please note that participation currently depends on internet connection with audio and video access. A laptop or desktop computer with webcam is strongly encouraged. If a smartphone is needed for video access, you may want to have a second device (like a computer or tablet) for easy review of game materials on a larger screen.
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If you are re-registering with a new email address, or for different children, please select "This is my first time..."
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