Volunteer with the Children's Environmental Health Network
CEHN welcomes you to join us in our efforts to protect children's health and the environment. Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

Important notes:
  • If you are pursuing activities for school credit, we ask that you apply for a CEHN internship, rather than volunteering. 
  • All volunteer opportunities, unless otherwise noted, are virtual at this time.
  • CEHN is not a direct service organization. Volunteers do not work directly with children.
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First name *
Last name *
Pronouns *
Email *
What time zone are you in? *
State (if in the US- otherwise leave blank)
Country *
How did you hear about CEHN? *
What is your connection to or experience with children's environmental health? *
Check all of the areas where you may want to be involved as a volunteer:
What level of commitment works for you? *
What else should we know about you, your experience, or your skills as a volunteer?
Are there any skills you'd like to practice or make use of as you volunteer (graphic design, writing, SEO, etc)?
Hannah Wilkerson, CEHN's External Relations & Creative Manager, manages our volunteers, and will be your primary point of contact. She will be notified once you submit this form, and will be in touch soon with next steps. If you have any questions, please follow up with her directly at hannahw@cehn.org

Thank you again for your interest in volunteering with CEHN!
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