Visiting Team Form
Thank you for your interest in YWAM Worcester! We would love to host you and your team. Please fill in this form as accurate as possible. This will help us to give you a confirmation of availability and an accurate price for your stay.
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Name of the contact person for the inquiry/booking (i.e. the team leader) *
Email address *
Base or city/country the team will be coming from *
Are you part of YWAM? *
Traveling Information
Please supply both dates even if it might still change. Otherwise we can't check the availability of accommodation.
Arrival details *
Departure details *
My team has:
Team Information (Please specify how many couples, couples with children, single ladies and single men)
I am requesting the base to provide *
My team will also need
Area(s) of ministry we would like to work in (Choosing just 1 area does not mean you will not be exposed to other areas of ministry)
Please indicate
Clear selection
If you are booking now, please inform us immediately of any changes in the information you provided in this form!
Comments or special needs (anything we might need to know)
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