MSiP Group Registration Form
The purpose of the map & directory is to help people easily find nearby, in-person communities that will meet the particular needs of exploring, unorthodox and post &  ex Mormons. We are hopeful that the map will help existing groups become even more vibrant, and help new groups grow as more people find them.

Fill out this Google Form in order to register a group with the map & directory.

Each group can only have one pin on the map---even if you have multiple manifestations of the group through different online mechanisms (e.g. a secret Facebook group, fronted by a public Facebook group or a group).

You will be asked a series of questions about your group---things like the name of your group; where you want your group's pin to be on the map; the URL of your group's web presence.  If you have multiple online manifestations for your group, you'll be able to give information about each one. If your group is a secret Facebook group you'll be asked to provide a contact method for people to find out how to join it, etc.

You'll also be asked to select from a list of tags the ones that best characterize your group, which will help potential new members identify if your group will be a place where they feel welcome.
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