MAIOP Member Registration
Thank you for your interest in joining the MAIOP Community! Please fill out the information below to help us better serve you.

Your information in this first section will not be shared outside of the Executive Board without your consent (question below).
Email *
Name *
What city in Michigan do you reside in? *
What is your highest level of education? *
What is your degree in? *
Where/what school did you get your degree from?
Where are you currently employed?  *
What is your position/job title? *
What are your IO specialties/field of study? (choose all that apply)
MAIOP Member Database
The MAIOP Executive Board is planning to launch a Members Skills Database that will allow members of the community to find other IO Practitioners/Learners to connect with for networking or knowledge-gathering/sharing. This database is similar to one SIOP currently deploys with their member base. 
Do you consent for MAIOP to include the above information in a MAIOP Member Database that is shared with other MAIOP Board Members for networking and connection purposes? *
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