Register for RedBrick Hacks
🚫 Application Closed!

Hello there! Thanks for your interest in RedBrick Hacks 2023.

Application Process Reminder: Our hackathon operates through a selection process. This means that not every sign-up will secure a spot, and we thoroughly review every application we receive to ensure participants have a fruitful experience.

Notification Update: All notifications for acceptances, rejections, and waitlists have been dispatched. Please check your inbox (and spam, just in case).

🚀 Next Steps for Accepted Participants:

Join the Discord Server: This is our primary communication hub leading up to, and during, the event.
RSVP is Mandatory: If you've received an acceptance notification, please ensure you complete the RSVP form linked in the email. This is crucial; without it, your participation won't be confirmed.
Questions? We're here to help! Please drop us an email at for any queries or clarifications.

⚠️ Event Day Reminder: On the 12th of August, ensure you've filled out the RSVP form to be granted campus entry for the hackathon.

Thanks for being a part of the RedBrick Hacks journey. We're excited to see all the innovation and creativity this year's event will bring!
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