Crashes or stuck by equipments/machinese 被設備或機器撞到、夾到
Electrocutions 觸電
Exposure to harmful substances or environment 暴露在有害物質或環境
Exposure to infection diseases 傳染病
Exposure to noise/radiation 噪音/輻射
Fire/Explosion 火災/爆炸
Occupational stress, burnout and fatigue 職業壓力和疲勞
Others 其他
Overexertion and muscle strains 過度用力、肌肉拉傷
Road traffic injuries 交通事故
Slips, trips, and falls 滑倒、絆倒、墜下
Violence and harassment by people or animals 人或動物的暴力和騷擾
No. of death 死亡人數 *
Your answer
No. of injured or sick 傷患人數 *
Your answer
Name of the factory/company 公司名稱 *
Your answer
Supply chain of the factory 代工品牌
Your answer
Type of Industry 業務類型 *
Your answer
Latitude-Longitude of the Incident (1.go to 2.Click the right button on the map you want to query, and the latitude and longitude of the map will appear.) 事發地點經緯度 ( 1. 在電腦上開啟 Google 地圖。在地圖上對需要座標的地點/區域按一下滑鼠右鍵。2. 系統隨即會開啟彈出式視窗,緯度和經度 (以小數點為格式) 會顯示在最上方(前面為Latitude)。3. 如要自動複製座標,請按一下緯度和經度。) *
Your answer
Information Updates (eg compensation) -- please also provide the link of the original osh case on the map you would like to provide update to 資料更新 (如:賠償) -- 請提供你想更新的個案的地圖連結
Your answer
(url) 資料來源 Note: Pease specify the
detailed reasons for this OSH incidents if there is no URL link provided.