RSVP – FairAir: A three-part series exploring indoor air quality issues in Interior Alaska
Alaskans spend a lot of time indoors during winter and have concerns about what they breathe. In the summer, intense wildfire smoke also causes concern. In this series, we invite the community to hear current research into indoor air quality and wildfire smoke and discuss their concerns with experts.

The three-part series will be 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, Jan. 20, Feb. 3 and Feb. 17, 2021. Please RSVP using this form and share your Fairbanks air quality questions to help guide the discussion. You can also join on Facebook on the day of the event.

These discussions are a part of the Fairbanks Winter Air Study (FairAir –, which investigates how extreme winter conditions affect indoor and outdoor air quality in the Arctic. See the speakers and topics below:

January 20 – FairAir | Cooking particles, cleaners and health
Delphine Farmer, Colorado State University

February 3 –  FairAir | Outside-in and inside-out: The air we breathe indoors
Peter DeCarlo, Johns Hopkins University

February 17 –  FairAir | Wildfire smoke and health
Emily Fischer, Colorado State University

You will receive the Zoom link upon registration. The series will also be broadcasted live over the UAF Facebook page. For more information, contact or 907-474-7235.

If you need assistance setting up Zoom on your computer, please see the Zoom Help Center:
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Do you have questions or concerns about Fairbanks air quality?
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