Africa Wiki Challenge
The “Africa Wiki Challenge” is an online campaign that called on Africans in Africa and in the diaspora, to contribute African-related content on Wikipedia. The campaign solicited participation through photo uploads, writing and improving articles.

The theme for participation this year was; “Landmarks in Africa” and run from the 23rd of May to the 30th of June,2021.

Now that the contest is over ,we would love to know your general thoughts on the contest. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will aid us in organizing our next campaign.

Thank you!!
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Which country are you reporting from?
How would you describe your role in this campaign?
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On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you think this year’s campaign was?
Very ineffective
Very effective
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What feedback do you have for us on this year’s AWC campaign? What worked? What could change or improve?
What is the meaning, value, or impact of AWC on your community?
Where did you participate? (Please tell us the Country, or City if you feel comfortable)
Which events related to AWC took place in your community or region during the campaign?
If you can estimate, how many people participated in the events?
What types of activities took place during these events?
Please share links to any webpages, documents, or media that shows us more about your experience. eg: portfolio, videos, photos, tweets, blogs, news...
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