Class Registration: Flying Low Fridays with Sarah Chien

Class Description:
I teach class when I crave collective training- it's time we get back into it, together! This series will focus on Flying Low, because I want to MOVE and regain stamina and precision and joy.  I will share: frameworks for investigations into walking/running/spiraling/sliding; specific pathways for moving efficiently in and out of the floor; tools for sharing yourself fully in unpredictable spaces.

Rooted in the work of David Zambrano, we will research ways of directing our energy through space dynamically and creatively WITH other humans. We will warm up with qigong and principles from Passing Through, awakening the reactivity and connection between floor, feet, hands, and body center. Then Flying Low reveals our own bodies' efficient, spiral pathways for going into and out of the floor. We will work through short phrases that are like little puzzles for our bodies to solve. Together these practices help us to transform our bodies, the group and the space in which we play. Training doesn’t culminate in choreography, but rather progresses through solo and group investigations. How can we each become a conduit between earth and sky, one person and another?

Recommended Experience:
Open level, for folks with an existing movement practice. Expect to move repeatedly through a full squat, and to move quickly. However, most folks are new to this work and most all of us are out of practice- come challenge yourself!

COVID Information:
-  Windows open for ventilation in an 1250 square feet studio
-  We will default to masks on, social distancing, no touching.
-  We will definitely be sweating, rolling on the floor and possibly vocalizing.
-  Hand sanitizer provided, and hand-washing required before class
-  8 person max with advance registration via this form
-  Student vaccination status and contact information requested for contact tracing
-  I will email the group the day before the class to check-in about any covid comfort/discomfort levels.
If all attendees are vaccinated we can discuss loosening restrictions, and agree as a group. We will default to comfort level of the most cautious attendee.
-  I am fully vaccinated.

Fridays 10am-12pm
$18 *
venmo @Sarah-Chien

*If we receive 6 reservations, I will open up the last two spots for sliding scale payments

Open Arts Studio
68 Jay St, suite 605A

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