Toronto Youth Cabinet: Equity & Employment Working Group 2023-2024 Application

Established in 1998 by Toronto City Council, the Toronto Youth Cabinet is the official youth advocacy body to the city. We are a youth-led organization that promotes youth participation in municipal affairs and policy development. TYC membership is open to youth between the ages of 13 - 24 who live, work or learn in the City of Toronto. 

Toronto Youth Cabinet's Equity & Employment Working Group is dedicated to fighting against the city's rising rates of youth unemployment and break barriers towards career development for marginalized youth.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Please select all that apply *
Tell us about yourself! (100 words maximum) *
Why do you want to be involved in TYC's Equity & Employment Working Group? (100 words maximum) *
Please put down any ideas/initiatives that you'd like to carry out in the TYC's Equity & Employment Working Group. *
Do you have any questions or concerns?
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