Parent Portal Request
Union-Endicott School District utilizes the Parent Portal as a means to promote educational excellence and to enhance communication with parents. The Parent Portal allows authorized family members to view their own child's school records at any time from a web browser or the SchoolTool Mobile App. Families are expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. The Parent Portal is available to every authorized parent or guardian of a students enrolled in grades TK to 12. 
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Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines:
1.  Parents/guardians will not share their passwords with anyone. 
2.  Parents/guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own children, of another user, or the district network. 
3.  Parents/guardians who identify a security problem with the Parent Portal must notify the District IT Office immediately; without demonstrating the problem to anyone else. 
4.  Access to the Parent Portal is a privilege and not a right. Improper use, or abuse, or by a parent/guardian will result in termination of this privilege. 
5.  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regarding the use and disclosure of student records shall govern at all times.
6. Only by agreeing to abide by the above conditions and returning the agreement will you receive access to the Parent Portal for your child.
Date Requested *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone number *
Your request is for *
Please provide the name(s) and grade(s) of your children.  Separate multiple children with a semicolon(;)
By submitting this form, you agree the above information is accurate to your knowledge and that you will use Parent Portal within the parameters described above.  
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