Class-7,Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
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Q1) Flora relates *
1 point
Q2) Natural vegetation is generally classified in to three broad categories as follows except *
1 point
Q3) Forest is *
1 point
Q4) Which forests are called tropical rainforests *
1 point
Q5) Following trees are found in tropical evergreen forest except *
1 point
Q6) ______ one of the world?s largest snakes is found in the tropical rainforest *
1 point
Q7) Tigers, lions, elephants, langoors and monkeys are found in *
1 point
Q8) Oak, pine, eucalyptus trees found in *
1 point
Q9) Fauna realtes to *
1 point
Q10) Deer, foxes, wolves are the animals commonly found *
1 point
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