Silverdale Accident Report
Please fill out the form below as completely as possible to ensure we have accurate information on-hand for each Accident/Incident. Note optional fields if time is limited.
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This form is being submitted by: *
Please provide your full name.
Date of event *
Time of event *
Exact location *
Type of Accident *
Description of what happened and detailed explanation of body part(s) injured (ie, For example: Left ear, pinky and ring fingers on left hand, left knee). *
Personal Information
Who was involved? *
Did this take place during Early Birds & Night Owls? *
Was this an athletics-related accident? *
Was this a fine arts-related accident? *
First Name *
Last Name *
If applicable
Gender *
If after-hours and a member of the Crisis Management Team is not available, was the Parent/Guardian contacted?
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Employee who contacted Parent/Guardian
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This form was created inside of Silverdale Baptist Academy. Report Abuse