To Build a Fire - part 2
Read “To Build a Fire,” (the second half - pages 339-346). Answer the following questions.
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Listen to Mr. Flamm's Summary of the first half of the story.
OR - have one of your neighbors summarize the important parts of the story.
Summarize the first half of the story:
(Modeled after Keystone questions - Choose the BEST possible answer).
The man makes all the following mistakes except:
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After he falls into the spring, the man
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Why is the man unable to reach the camp?
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You can infer that Jack London, the author:
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In London’s story, Nature is portrayed as:
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London’s story shows the naturalist belief that people are at the mercy of:
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In “To Build a Fire” the man’s final predicament is caused when he:
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Constructed Response:
Answer the following questions using Complete Sentences:
How is the dog’s reaction to the cold different than the man’s?
What mistake did the man make when he chose the location for his fire?
What message does the story convey about the survival of the fittest?
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