Leopard Robotics FTC Registration 2018-19
(WAITLIST ACTIVE! Teams are established, but please sign up if you're interested. Some slots may open, and you'll be notified in order of applicaton!)

The FTC season will run from August through January, but could be extended through April if the team qualifies to advanced tournament play.

Students should anticipate attending two meetings per week (4-6 hours per week) and two weekend tournaments that will be from 7:30 am to 6:00pm on either a Saturday or a Sunday.  

Students are expected to engage, have fun, work with other students as a team and make good choices at FTC meetings.  Students should not be disruptive, destructive or play games on their phones and computers.

Submit this form as soon as possible to hold your place for a spot on a team.  Shortly after submission you will receive a placement confirmation email and a copy of the behavioral contract. Students will be placed on teams in the order the registration is received.  It is expected that there will be more interest than available places on teams. Once the teams are full, all further registrations will be put on a wait list in the order they are received.

Fee is $150 per family.  Please make checks out to Lake Middle School.  If there is a need for financial assistance, please send a request for a fee waiver with the signed behavior contract.  

Please send the student fee (or fee waiver request) and signed behavior contract to Chula Albrecht (Front Office) at Lake Middle School by March 20, 2018.  After March 20, incomplete registrations (missing fees and/or behavioral contract) will be replaced by waiting list requests.

Teams will be finalized in April 2018.  *WAITLIST ACTIVE*

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