Motivated by the current state of the profession and recommendations from the ASTRO2020 decadal survey, the Cosmic Pathfinders Program is a student-focused professional development program that provides an interface between interested undergraduate, graduate students, and NASA Astrophysics activities exhibited by the national network of astronomers, astrophysicists, and space-scientists connected to NASA Astrophysics and the Cosmic Origins/Physics of the Cosmos program offices.
The Cosmic Pathfinders Program is a new student program housed under the NASA cosmic origins program office that will be led by students and program director. The program is a culmination of 5 cohesive areas of scope (interface with cosmic origins, professional development, science communication, mentoring, and state of the profession). These areas of scope are then fed by 5 topical areas: imposter syndrome, career navigation, conference participation, cultural inclusivity, and accessibility. Two of the main products of the student group are an informal roundtable discussion series called The Cosmic Chatter Roundtable, and the other is monthly/bi-monthly newsletter that students will draft and send to the student email list.
The Cosmic Pathfinders Program will also focus on a broad range of astrophysics and cosmology science relevant to the study of the history and evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes, extragalactic astrophysical phenomena, stellar & elemental evolution, early formation and evolution of planetary systems, Archaeology of the Milky Way and its neighbors. Along with these thematic science categories, technology and communications relevant to the broader astrophysics community will be included.
Cosmic Pathfinders Program will have a series of roundtable discussions that put emphasis on prominent issues and boundaries that students face in today’s professional landscape across STEM. These roundtable discussions are aimed at eliminating the network-dependency on surmounting these prevalent issues. Discussions will be moderated by program leaders/advisors and contributions will be made by a panel of students invited to give their thoughts and share experiences on the current topic of discussion.
This form serves as a sign up and statement of interest for undergraduate, graduate, and early-career scientists interested in joining the newly formed Cosmic Pathfinders Program.
Contact Dr. Ronald Gamble for more information on the upcoming Cosmic Pathfinders Program: