REB-JICA PRISM Project Rollout Phase Baseline Survey: Questionnaire for Y2/Y3 Students in ECLPE and SME
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I. To what extent do you agree or disagree each statement?

1. I want to study mathematics and science subjects using ICT (devices, internet, applications, etc.) more in class.


2. I want to use ICT in learning TMP and for School Attachment such as developing lesson plans and materials with a digital device or recording my teaching practice for reflection. 


3. I want to use ICT for self-learning such as solving quizzes online and researching on the internet.


4. Learning with the use of ICT enhances collaboration with other students.


5. When I become a primary school teacher, I want to teach lessons by using devices, internet, applications (Scratch, Kahoot!, e-learning platform), etc.


6. I am confident in operating a computer such as using applications (Microsoft Office, Scratch, Kahoot!, etc.) and searching on the internet.


7. I am confident in operating a smartphone such as using applications and searching on the internet.


8. I am confident in operating an XO laptop computer.


9. I am aware of computer security, such as harmful contents on the internet and protection of personal data.


10. I know how to handle a computer properly.


11. I know how to access contents on REB e-learning platform.


13. Digital textbooks (student books) on the REB e-learning platform are useful for learning.


14. The end unit assessment quizzes on the REB e-learning platform are useful to identify whether I have understood the unit or not through immediate feedback.


15. Multiple-choice type questions promote deep thinking because I have to carefully analyze among different options.


16. I want to continue to use the REB e-learning platform.

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