Startup Submissions
Submit your company's details for investment consideration below.

Note: I will review your submission on Saturday mornings and if you're a fit for me, I'll reach out immediately. If you're not a fit for me, but are a potential fit for other investors (e.g., Hustle Fund,  WXR Fund) in the Startup-Investor Matching Tool, then I will send over the details of your company and ask if they are interested in a double-opt-in intro. If it's a thumbs up, I'll make an intro.

To increase the chances of getting matched and introduced to investors, watch our video guide before filling and submitting this form:

- Lolita

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Email *
Company Name *
Your Name *
Your Title *
Company website *
Please include the "http" part of the URL.
Brief company description *
Link to pitch deck *
Please include a deck that allows access without login.
Investment stage *
Total amount you are raising for this round (in U.S. dollars) *
For example, enter "1000000" for $1,000,000
Total amount still needed (i.e., uncommitted) for this round (in U.S. dollars) *
For example, enter "1000000" for $1,000,000
Valuation in U.S. dollars (see description)
Share post-money valuation if this will be an equity round. If this round will be on a SAFE or Convertible Note, share valuation cap.
When are you aiming to close this round of financing? *
Note: we won't send your company to any matched investors unless your target fundraise close date is at least 10 days in the future.
Prior Fundraising info *
Sector *
Business model (select your primary model) *
Primary product/service you offer *
How many founders does your startup have? *
Briefly describe why your team is the right team to make your startup successful (e.g., technical/industry expertise, existing relationships with potential customers/partners). *
Company Headquarters Location *
Investment vehicle for this round *
Is your startup post-product? *
Is your startup post-revenue? *
Monthly Recurring Revenue in U.S. dollars (write 0 if none) *
Your company should have already reached this amount of revenue for a recent month.
Does your startup have a female founder? *
Does your startup have a founder of color? *
Does your startup have an LGBTQ founder? *
Does your startup have a U.S. corporate structure? *
How did you hear about the Startup-Investor Matching Tool? *
If someone referred you, please mention them here.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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