We are looking forward to having you in the LPWJ community!
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Tell us a bit about yourself. What's your name? *
How long have you been coding? *
How did you discover this book and community? *
Why are you learning coding? *
Tell us your email address, so we can send you a confirmation *
Tell us your GitHub username, so we can invite you to the community *
Here is what we are going to do with your data:    
We use information about your coding abilities and motivations to improve the book and community quality, your GitHub account name to invite you to the community, and your email address to confirm your acceptance to the community. We will use your email address also to send you updates about the book and the community. If you do not wish to receive updates, you can opt out the next time you receive an email by replying to it.
Here is the code of conduct of the community:    
1. Be friendly and kind. Learning to code is real work, and we need to support each other.    
2. Be constructive. Write comments that improve, not destroy. Provide additional information and alternative ideas that enrich discussions.    
3. Be respectful and patient. We have different educational backgrounds and different learning speeds. New concepts can sometimes be obvious; sometimes, they take days.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us? *
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