Kyampa's Flea Market - Vendor Application
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Flea Market hosted by KYAMPA - The Social Hub.

The cost of booking a stall is free for sellers, however, booking in advance is required due to the limited number of stalls available.

About the flea market

The purpose of this flea market is to promote sustainability by encouraging the sharing of resources through selling, exchanging, and buying from each other. We welcome individuals, thrift stores and homegrown handicraft businesses to showcase their products at this market. Priorities are given to handicraft businesses that recycle and upcycle vintage products.

The market will take place in the outdoor terrace area and each stall will be provided with a 2 x 4 ft table and a chair.

Please note that this is only an application form and it does not guarantee your spot at the market. We will review all applications and contact you for confirmation accordingly.
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If you have any special requirements, please specify. 
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