App Freedom - Join the contact list
Yes, I realize it's ironic to use Google Forms for this. Ah well.

Your responses to this form will only be used for keeping you informed about the App Freedom movement and how we might work together. In particular, we expect to send you progress updates, event announcements, and invitations to systems that fits the App Freedom model. 

You may of course opt out at any time. If you're logged into your google account when you submit this, you should be able to edit/delete your response later. Otherwise, to edit/delete your response, reply to one of our messages or contact Sandro Hawke (, +1-617-500-3668). This is a project of Writable Site LLC.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name
Phone number (optional, of course)
Your website(s) / profile URL(s)
How did you hear about this work?
Do you have thoughts about how you might want to be involved? Please feel free to brainstorm a bit. We'll read it with interest.
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